About / Committee
Here you can meet the MCR Committee and get to know a little about them and their responsibilities, along with their email addresses for contacting them. You can get in touch with all of us at once by emailing caths-mcr-committee@lists.cam.ac.uk.
You can view the minutes of all our committee meetings here.
View the MCR Constitution here.
Hey! I'm Sam your Co-President for 2023-24.
I'm currently in my 4th year of my PhD in Astronomy focusing on the history and structure of the Milky Way using the European Space Agency's Gaia satellite, a field which we call Galactic Archaeology.
Previously I was Formal Hall Officer and Co-President last year. I've been with the College since 2020 so I've spent quite a bit of time here. So if you have any questions about Catz or about Cambridge as a city or university don't hesitate to ask me.
As Co-President I'll be working with Jessica and College to make sure as many of you have a fantastic year. Representing our postgraduate community and making sure our views are heard. So if you have any questions about the MCR or any issues please do email us or if you see me in person say hi and ask then.
Looking forward to seeing everyone this year!
Studying: PhD Astronomy
Preferred pronoun: He/Him
Hi, I am Jessica, a third year PhD student in developmental psychology at the Centre for Family Research.
After being Food & Drinks officer for the MCR last year, this year I'll your MCR president together with Sam. We'll be trying our best to make sure you have a great time at Catz. We're an active but chill MCR that will try to make a difference when it comes to your experience in Cambridge with lots of activities!
Just reach out with any questions, we're all very happy to help!
Studying: PhD in Psychology
Preferred pronoun: She/her
Hello there!
My name is Paula Teeuwen. Currently, I am in the third year of my PhD in Chemistry, where I am focusing on metal organic cages. These are self-assembled materials in the shape of polyhedra. Alongside the PhD I teach undergraduates by demonstrating lab courses, supervising taught courses and supervising part III students / interns.
In my free time I like to hang out with friends, go to our awesome Catz MCR events and chill with the Dutch Society (of which I am also in the committee). Besides that, I love speed- and inline skating. While the first is not really possible in the UK (no proper ice-rinks), I like to do the latter in the weekends by skating to St Ives and back.
I joined St Catharine's College two years ago and I have loved my time here ever since. This year, like last year, I am representing our postgraduate students as MCR Secretary. As the secretary I will prepare agendas and keep minutes of the MCR committee and open meetings. Additionally, I circulate our weekly newsletter (during term-time) to keep our members up-to-date about events, news or other relevant information.
Studying: PhD Chemistry
Preferred pronoun: She/Her
Hi there! I'm Samuel, computer science PhD candidate and MCR treasurer. When I'm not working on our budgets and spreadsheets, liasing with the college, and doing my PhD on the side, you can find me playing percussion with the Gilbert and Sullivan society and at the occasional pub quiz.
Studying: Computer Science
Preferred pronoun: he/him
Hi, I'm Annie, this year's Welfare Officer. I am studing an MPhil in Real Estate Finance currently.
I work with the MCR and the broader welfare staff in college to help keep Catz a friendly, welcoming and safe space. Feel free to contact me using my email above if you have any issues or concerns regarding welfare. I'll help direct you to the correct place if I am unable to help you myself!
Studying: MPhil, Real Estate Finance
Preferred pronoun: She/Her
Hi! I'm Kit, your Education Officer for this year. Outside of officering your educations, you can find me writing a PhD on King Arthur and desperately pretending that Merlin (2008–2012) counts as scholarly analysis.
Chat to me about attending, enjoying or even presenting at the Postgraduates' and Fellows' Seminar, or any questions or queries about how College handles education — be that funding, provision, supervising, or whatever else is tangentially related and therefore allows me to procrastinate my thesis!
Studying: PhD ASNC
Preferred pronoun: he/him
Hi I'm Hamish, I'm the Formal Hall Officer and PhD student in Chem. Eng.
I'll be making sure the MCR gets the most out of Formals for this academic year by organising swaps, picking themes, and being available to answer questions by members of the MCR new and old. If you have any burning theme suggestions or formal questions please do not hesitate to get in touch!
Alongside my studies and committee role, I'm part of the university fencing club and am aiming to reprise my role as the MCR's most enthusiastic (but not necessarily best) ceilidh dancer this year.
Studying: PhD in Chemical Engineering
Preferred pronoun: He/Him
Hi! I'm a second-year PhD student in Theoretical Physics, working on collective behaviour (and in particular on phase separation) in non-equilibrium systems. I'm your Computing Officer, feel free to contact me for anything IT-related (be it newsletters, the website, or any issue you might have).
Studying: PhD in Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
Preferred pronoun: he/him
Hey everyone! I'm Ayush, one of the three (THREE!?!?) social secs this year. I'm responsible for organsing a range of social events and parties for you guys, alongside the other social secs but outside that you can find me complaining about my disso in the Shakeshaft. Always looking for new ideas for events (ethical ways to spend Catz Money) so reach out if there is an event you fancy seeing!!
Studying: Mphil Development Studies
Preferred pronoun: he/him
Hey! I'm Josh, one of the three Social Secs for this year. I help organize a variety of fun social events for the MCR, and we're always looking for new ideas. If you have any suggestions, feel free to get in touch!
Studying: PhD in Pharmacology
Preferred pronoun: He/Him
Heyo! I'm Meraaj, one of the social secretaries! Wholesome events with a sprinkle of chaos is the plan. Reach out if you have any theme recommendations!
I'm in my first year of postgrad Architecture, researching Solarpunk and spatial policy. Outside of this, I like bouldering and gardening (I'm on the ArcSoc Gardening Committee!), and I've taken up rowing!
Studying: MArch (Architecture)
Preferred pronoun: he/him
Hi everyone, I'm Tanja, the Quartermaster (formerly known as Food and Drink Officer). In my spare time I'm a PhD student in Clinical Neurosciences, using biophysical modelling on MRI scans of patients with neurodegenerative diseases.
As Quartermaster I'm mainly responsible for the MCR coffee machine (together with our Cofficers) and the food in hall. I'd like everyone to enjoy the food, so there will be regular surveys where you can inform me about your dietary requirements and tastes so that everyone can be catered to. Apart from the surveys, always feel free to message or come see me if you have issues, requests or ideas! Catering is quite flexible and happy to accommodate our wishes, as you may have seen reflected in the increased appearance of fridge cake on the menu. Currently we are working on themed food for certain days and an easier system to stay informed about the daily menus.
Studying: PhD Clinical Neurosciences
Preferred pronoun: she/her
I’m David Martin, a second year Ph.D in the Faculty of History. I work on the history of Anglicanism in nineteenth century South India and have the dubious honour of being one of only two humanities-based members of the MCR committee.
As a student of history and lover of old things, I am in the process of carefully developing a florid set of allergies to dust, powders, dry things, wet things, things which appear wet but are actually dry, hot things, temperamentally unsure things, and stained glass windows.
If you have any questions about settling in or getting around the College as a member of the postgrad BAME community, feel free to contact either Sohane or me, we are at your disposal!
Studying: Ph.D. History
Preferred pronoun: he/him
Hi everyone! My name is Yorgos and I am your LGBTQ+ officer. I'm a 2nd-year PhD student and my research focuses on how animated films can become more inclusive and progressive in their representations of gender and sexuality. Therefore, I am undeniably the most qualified person in the committee when it comes to having a debate about Shrek or singing a Disney duet.
Apart from these very important matters, I am also responsible for the welfare of the LGBTQIA+ community at Catz. I hope that through this role I will be a stable point of reference and support for the LGBTQIA+ members of our college. My aspiration is to create a close-knit community where everyone feels welcome, proud, safe and free to express their beautiful selves.
I am also hoping to create regular events, ranging from an LGBTQ+ history month formal to more casual socials. Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, issues that you'd like to raise, need support, or have any ideas about events you'd like to share.
Studying: PhD in Children's Literature and Animation
Preferred pronoun: he/him
I am in the first year on my PhD where I am researching the ways we can use viruses in increase bean yield! Broad beans specifically - not baked.
As one of the women's and Non-binary Officer, please speak to me if you have any issues or concerns.
Aside from beans I like bouldering, coxing, cooking and gardening!
Studying: No subject provided.
Preferred pronoun: she/her
No bio provided.
Studying: No subject provided.
Preferred pronoun: she/her
Hello, I'm Hana! I'm doing a PhD in Plant Sciences, basically exploring ways to protect plants from insects using viruses :)
I joined Catz in 2022, and I was MCR Social Secretary before! This year, as a Green Officer, I am excited to improve the “Greenness” of our college by:
1. Holding workshops including growing your own herbs, how to recycle properly,
2. Organising social events that bring art and nature together i.e., plant drawing, trips to nature reserves
3. Increasing the awareness of opportunities to access natural spaces i.e., Catz allotment
but I would LOVE to hear your ideas too! So please shoot me a message :)
Studying: MPhil in Plant Sciences
Preferred pronoun: She/her
Hi, there! I am a PhD student in Earth Sciences studying the formation of early continental crust (2.7 billion years ago) using the isotopes of Thallium.
I like playing football, cricket, and badminton. Also, you may occasionally find me playing board games in the MCR - Catan being my favourite. Always happy to join!
As your Accommodation Officer, I am here for all your troubles/queries regarding accommodation at Catz, or Cambridge in general. Just let me know and I will be happy to help.
Studying: Phd in Earth Sciences
Preferred pronoun: he/him
Hello! I’m a final year PhD student in the Department of Medicine, studying antibiotic development. Having lived on the college main site with impaired mobility, I am very familiarised with its accessibility features and support systems. As Access Officer, I’m keen to help you find the accessibility support you need during your time at Catz so please get in touch!
Studying: PhD in Medicine
Preferred pronoun: She/her